WEC - WEC Energy Group Inc
SNP 500


Moderate Growth but DecliningStock Price Very High


based on last 5 year data.
Income Statement is MODERATE
Revenue Growth is -7.59%
Operating Income Growth is -2.24%
Net Income Growth is -5.4%
Earnings Per Share (EPS) Growth is -5.31%
Net Margin is 15.14%
Balance Sheet is WEAK
Current Asset to Current Liability Ratio is 0.65
Debt Ratio is 0.73
Current Debt to Net Income Ratio is 7.6
Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio is 0.41
Cash Flow is MODERATE
Cash from Operations Growth is 22.46%
Capital Expenditure is High
Net Increase in Cash is Positive
Long Term Score Trend is NEGATIVE
Investment Risk is High
based on last 4 quarter data.
Better viewed in landscape mode.
Unless specified, all values are in USD Millions. Data extracted from SEC Filing and are subject to processing and input errors.
WEC Energy Group Inc (WEC) -
wec energy group is one of the nation’s largest electric and natural gas delivery companies, with deep operational expertise, scale and financial resources to meet the region’s future energy needs. we focus on reliable service, customer satisfaction and shareholder value. our regulated utility subsidiaries include michigan gas utilities, minnesota energy resources, north shore gas, peoples gas, upper michigan energy resources, we energies and wisconsin public service. together, we provide vital services to nearly 4.4 million customers in wisconsin, illinois, michigan and minnesota. our scale and geographic proximity allow for operating efficiency across our 70,000 miles of electric distribution lines, 44,000 miles of natural gas distribution and transmission lines, and 8,800 megawatts of reliable power plant capacity. we’re committed to delivering world-class reliability and the very best customer care – anywhere. our customers are at the heart of our business, and we work every day to
Industry - Other Electric Power Generation
Sector - Utilities
CEO - J. Kevin Fletcher
Employees - 1,344



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