TSCO - Tractor Supply Co.


Moderate Growth but DecliningStock Price Very High


based on last 5 year data.
Income Statement is MODERATE
Revenue Growth is -0.32%
Operating Income Growth is 2.06%
Net Income Growth is 1.53%
Earnings Per Share (EPS) Growth is 3.49%
Net Margin is 7.65%
Balance Sheet is STRONG
Current Asset to Current Liability Ratio is 1.43
Debt Ratio is 0.76
Current Debt to Net Income Ratio is 0.0
Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio is 0.18
Cash Flow is MODERATE
Cash from Operations Growth is -9.56%
Capital Expenditure is High
Net Increase in Cash is Negative
Long Term Score Trend is NEGATIVE
Investment Risk is High
based on last 4 quarter data.
Better viewed in landscape mode.
Unless specified, all values are in USD Millions. Data extracted from SEC Filing and are subject to processing and input errors.
Tractor Supply Co. (TSCO) -
don’t let our name fool you. sure, we may know a thing or two about tractors. but at tractor supply company, it’s far from our only specialty. our loyal customers come to us for expertise, advice, and thousands of products every day—from lawn and animal care products to equipment, and even clothing. it’s helped make us an important part of the communities we serve, and one of the nation’s fastest growing retail organizations. we proudly celebrate over 75 years years of service. founded in 1938 by charles e. schmidt, sr. as a mail order tractor parts business, today tractor supply is the largest operator of retail farm stores in america. our stores are located in rural communities and in the outlying areas of large cities—“out here”—where people feel a deep connection with their land. our customers are as diverse as the products we carry: from farmers and ranchers to pet owners and hobbyists, construction and trades people, and suburban landowners. no matter what they’re looking for,
Exchange - NASDAQ
Industry - Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
Sector - Wholesale Trade
CEO - Harry Lawton
Employees - 11,604



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