PCG - PG&E Corp.
SNP 500


Moderate Growth and Improving


based on last 5 year data.
Income Statement is MODERATE
Revenue Growth is -0.04%
Operating Income Growth is 66.94%
Net Income Growth is 10.39%
Earnings Per Share (EPS) Growth is 9.52%
Net Margin is 10.14%
Balance Sheet is WEAK
Current Asset to Current Liability Ratio is 1.05
Debt Ratio is 0.77
Current Debt to Net Income Ratio is 0.87
Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio is 0.42
Cash Flow is MODERATE
Cash from Operations Growth is 69.26%
Capital Expenditure is High
Net Increase in Cash is Positive
Long Term Score Trend is POSITIVE
Investment Risk is Moderate
based on last 4 quarter data.
Better viewed in landscape mode.
Period Ending
Cost of Revenue
Gross Profit
Total Expense
Operating Expense
Operating Income
Operating Margin (%ge)
Net Other Income
Net Interest Income
Earnings Before Tax
Income Tax
Net Income
Net Margin (%ge)
Average Diluted (Shares Million)
EPS ($)
Dividend ($)
FY 2024-12-3124,419.0019,960.004,459.0019,960.000.004,459.0018.26300.00(2,447.00)2,312.00(200.00)2,475.0010.142,
FY 2023-12-3124,428.0021,757.002,671.0021,757.000.002,671.0010.93272.00(2,244.00)699.00(1,557.00)2,242.009.182,
FY 2022-12-3121,680.0019,843.001,837.0019,843.000.001,837.008.47394.00(1,755.00)476.00(1,338.00)1,800.008.302,132.000.840.00
FY 2021-12-3120,642.0018,759.001,883.0018,759.000.001,883.009.12457.00(1,581.00)748.00836.00(102.00)(0.49)1,985.00(0.05)0.00
FY 2020-12-3118,469.0016,714.001,755.0016,714.000.001,755.009.50483.00(1,221.00)(942.00)362.00(1,318.00)(7.14)1,257.00(1.05)0.00
FY 2019-12-3117,129.0027,223.00(10,094.00)27,223.000.00(10,094.00)(58.93)250.00(852.00)(11,042.00)(3,400.00)(7,656.00)(44.70)528.00(14.50)0.00
FY 2018-12-3116,759.0026,459.00(9,700.00)26,459.000.00(9,700.00)(57.88)424.00(853.00)(10,129.00)(3,292.00)(6,851.00)(40.88)517.00(13.25)0.00
FY 2017-12-3117,135.0014,230.002,905.0014,230.000.002,905.0016.95123.00(857.00)2,171.00511.001,646.009.61513.003.211.55
FY 2016-12-3117,666.0015,586.002,080.0015,586.000.002,080.0011.77188.00(806.00)1,462.0055.001,393.007.89501.002.781.92
FY 2015-12-3116,833.0015,325.001,508.0015,325.000.001,508.008.96117.00(764.00)861.00(27.00)874.005.19487.001.791.82
FY 2014-12-3117,090.0014,640.002,450.0014,640.000.002,450.0014.3470.00(725.00)1,795.00345.001,436.008.40470.003.061.82
FY 2013-12-3115,598.0013,836.001,762.0013,836.000.001,762.0011.3040.00(706.00)1,096.00268.00814.005.22445.001.831.82
FY 2012-12-3115,040.0013,347.001,693.0013,347.000.001,693.0011.2670.00(696.00)1,067.00237.00797.005.30425.001.921.82
Unless specified, all values are in USD Millions. Data extracted from SEC Filing and are subject to processing and input errors.
PG&E Corp. (PCG) -
pg&e corporation, through its subsidiary, pacific gas and electric company, engages in the sale and delivery of electricity and natural gas to customers in northern and central california, the united states. it generates electricity using nuclear, hydroelectric, fossil fuel-fired, fuel cell, and photovoltaic sources. as of december 31, 2019, the company owns and operates approximately 18,000 circuit miles of interconnected transmission lines, 33 electric transmission substations, approximately 107,000 circuit miles of distribution lines, 68 transmission switching substations, and 760 distribution substations; and natural gas transmission, storage, and distribution system consisting of approximately 43,300 miles of distribution pipelines, approximately 6,300 miles of backbone and local transmission pipelines, and various storage facilities. it serves residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural customers, as well as natural gas-fired electric generation facilities. the company
Industry -
Sector -
CEO - James Welsch
Employees - 13,101





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