FOXA - Fox Corporation
SNP 500


Moderate Growth but DecliningStock Price Very High


based on last 5 year data.
Income Statement is MODERATE
Revenue Growth is -3.96%
Operating Income Growth is 1.17%
Net Income Growth is 359.57%
Earnings Per Share (EPS) Growth is 101.97%
Net Margin is 13.4%
Balance Sheet is MODERATE
Current Asset to Current Liability Ratio is 2.59
Debt Ratio is 0.19
Current Debt to Net Income Ratio is 0.73
Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio is 0.35
Cash Flow is STRONG
Cash from Operations Growth is 30.44%
Capital Expenditure is Low
Net Increase in Cash is Positive
Long Term Score Trend is NEGATIVE
Investment Risk is High
based on last 4 quarter data.
Better viewed in landscape mode.
Unless specified, all values are in USD Millions. Data extracted from SEC Filing and are subject to processing and input errors.
Fox Corporation (FOXA) -
fox corporation produces and distributes compelling news, sports and entertainment content through its iconic domestic brands including: fox news, fox sports, the fox network, and the fox television stations. these brands hold cultural significance with consumers and commercial importance for distributors and advertisers. the breadth and depth of our footprint allows us to deliver content that engages and informs audiences, develops deeper consumer relationships and creates more compelling product offerings. fox maintains an impressive track record of news, sports, and entertainment industry success that will shape our strategy to capitalize on current strengths and invest in new initiatives. for more information about fox corporation, please visit
Exchange - NASDAQ
Industry - Television Broadcasting
Sector - Information
CEO - Lachlan Murdoch
Employees - 2,329



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