CTRA - Coterra Energy Inc
SNP 500


Moderate Growth but DecliningStock Price Very High


based on last 5 year data.
Income Statement is MODERATE
Revenue Growth is -14.23%
Operating Income Growth is -42.9%
Net Income Growth is -44.65%
Earnings Per Share (EPS) Growth is -42.71%
Net Margin is 21.86%
Balance Sheet is STRONG
Current Asset to Current Liability Ratio is 1.61
Debt Ratio is 0.35
Current Debt to Net Income Ratio is -0.26
Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio is 0.1
Cash Flow is STRONG
Cash from Operations Growth is -33.16%
Capital Expenditure is Low
Net Increase in Cash is Negative
Long Term Score Trend is NEGATIVE
Investment Risk is High
based on last 4 quarter data.
Better viewed in landscape mode.
Unless specified, all values are in USD Millions. Data extracted from SEC Filing and are subject to processing and input errors.
Coterra Energy Inc (CTRA) -
cimarex energy, co. (nyse: xec) is a denver-based independent exploration and production company with operations in oklahoma, texas, new mexico and kansas. the majority of our activity is currently in the permian basin and the cana–woodford shale play in western oklahoma. we pride ourselves on a strong technical team. the cornerstone to the cimarex approach is detailed pre- and post-drill economic evaluation of after-tax rate of return on invested capital for every well drilled. we continually strive to maximize cash flow from producing properties for reinvestment in drill-bit driven growth opportunities. we rely heavily on our geoscientists to generate drilling prospects. we have decentralized exploration teams who are experts in their regions. a cornerstone to our approach is detailed evaluation of each drilling decision based on its risk-adjusted discounted cash flow rate of return on investment. our analysis includes estimates and assessments of potential reserve size, geologic and
Industry - Crude Petroleum Extraction 
Sector - Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction
CEO - Dan Dinges
Employees - 569



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