ALB - Albemarle Corp.
SNP 500


Gross Profit is Negative


based on last 5 year data.
Income Statement is WEAK
Revenue Growth is -34.2%
Operating Income is Negative
Net Income is Negative
Earnings Per Share (EPS) is Negative
Net Margin is -30.26%
Balance Sheet is STRONG
Current Asset to Current Liability Ratio is 2.44
Debt Ratio is 0.15
Current Debt to Net Income Ratio not available
Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio is 0.21
Cash Flow is WEAK
Cash from Operations Growth is -74.61%
Capital Expenditure not available
Net Increase in Cash is Positive
Long Term Score Trend is NEGATIVE
Investment Risk is Low
based on last 4 quarter data.
Better viewed in landscape mode.
Unless specified, all values are in USD Millions. Data extracted from SEC Filing and are subject to processing and input errors.
Albemarle Corp. (ALB) -
albemarle corporation, headquartered in baton rouge, louisiana, is a premier specialty chemicals company with leading positions in attractive end markets around the world. with a broad customer reach and diverse end markets, albemarle develops, manufactures and markets technologically advanced and high value added products, including lithium and lithium compounds, bromine and derivatives, catalysts and surface treatment chemistries used in a wide range of applications including consumer electronics, flame retardants, metal processing, plastics, contemporary and alternative transportation vehicles, refining, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, construction and custom chemistry services. albemarle is focused on delivering differentiated, performance-based technologies that deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to its customers. the company employs approximately 6,900 people and serves customers in approximately 100 countries. albemarle regularly posts information to,
Industry -
Sector -
CEO - Jerry Masters
Employees - 4,008



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